Fluoridated Cities & States
Largest Fluoridated Cities
Forty-two of the fifty largest cities in the U.S. are supplied with fluoridated water.
Two cities (Jacksonville, Florida, and El Paso, Texas) are naturally fluoridated.
*Los Angeles, California, plans to implement fluoridation in early 1999.
Information current as of November 1998.
State Fluoridation Status
States with 75% of the population served by fluoridated community water supplies.*
*Data compiled by the American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Division of Oral Health.
Current as of November 1998.
Fluoridation Statistics 2002:
Status of Water Fluoridation by State
Percentage of state populations on public water systems receiving fluoridated water and state rank
Data Source: 2002 Water Fluoridation Reporting System (WFRS)
By State Rank |
Location |
Percent |
State Rank |
States |
65.8 |
DC |
100.0 |
Kentucky |
99.6 |
1 |
Illinois |
99.1 |
2 |
Minnesota |
98.4 |
3 |
Tennessee |
96.0 |
4 |
North Dakota |
95.6 |
5 |
Indiana |
95.5 |
6 |
Virginia |
93.8 |
7 |
Maryland |
93.7 |
8 |
Georgia |
93.0 |
9 |
West Virginia |
91.5 |
10 |
South Carolina |
91.4 |
11 |
Iowa |
91.3 |
11 |
Ohio |
90.6 |
13 |
Wisconsin |
89.4 |
14 |
Rhode Island |
89.2 |
15 |
Connecticut |
87.6 |
16 |
Michigan |
86.2 |
17 |
North Carolina |
84.6 |
18 |
Alabama |
82.0 |
19 |
Delaware |
80.9 |
20 |
Missouri |
80.9 |
21 |
South Dakota |
78.0 |
22 |
New Mexico |
76.6 |
23 |
Colorado |
75.4 |
24 |
Oklahoma |
74.6 |
25 |
Maine |
74.4 |
26 |
New York |
72.9 |
27 |
Nebraska |
69.5 |
28 |
Nevada |
69.4 |
29 |
Florida |
67.4 |
30 |
Texas |
65.7 |
31 |
Arkansas |
62.1 |
32 |
Kansas |
62.1 |
33 |
Massachusetts |
60.7 |
34 |
Washington |
58.9 |
35 |
Alaska |
57.3 |
36 |
Vermont |
55.7 |
37 |
Arizona |
55.4 |
38 |
Pennsylvania |
54.0 |
38 |
Idaho |
47.5 |
40 |
Mississippi |
46.1 |
41 |
Louisiana |
45.9 |
42 |
Hampshire |
42.7 |
43 |
Wyoming |
36.7 |
44 |
California |
27.6 |
45 |
Montana |
23.8 |
46 |
New Jersey |
20.8 |
47 |
Oregon |
19.4 |
48 |
Hawaii |
8.6 |
49 |
Utah |
2.2 |
50 |
Alphabetical by State |
Location |
Percent |
States |
65.8 |
Alabama |
82.0 |
19 |
Alaska |
57.3 |
36 |
Arizona |
55.4 |
38 |
Arkansas |
62.1 |
32 |
California |
27.6 |
45 |
Colorado |
75.4 |
24 |
Connecticut |
87.6 |
16 |
DC |
100.0 |
Delaware |
80.9 |
20 |
Florida |
67.4 |
30 |
Georgia |
93.0 |
9 |
Hawaii |
8.6 |
49 |
Idaho |
47.5 |
40 |
Illinois |
99.1 |
2 |
Indiana |
95.5 |
6 |
Iowa |
91.3 |
11 |
Kansas |
62.1 |
33 |
Kentucky |
99.6 |
1 |
Louisiana |
45.9 |
42 |
Maine |
74.4 |
26 |
Maryland |
93.7 |
8 |
Massachusetts |
60.7 |
34 |
Michigan |
86.2 |
17 |
Minnesota |
98.4 |
3 |
Mississippi |
46.1 |
41 |
Missouri |
80.9 |
21 |
Montana |
23.8 |
46 |
Nebraska |
69.5 |
28 |
Nevada |
69.4 |
29 |
Hampshire |
42.7 |
43 |
Jersey |
20.8 |
47 |
Mexico |
76.6 |
23 |
York |
72.9 |
27 |
Carolina |
84.6 |
18 |
Dakota |
95.6 |
5 |
Ohio |
90.6 |
13 |
Oklahoma |
74.6 |
25 |
Oregon |
19.4 |
48 |
Pennsylvania |
54.0 |
38 |
Island |
89.2 |
15 |
Carolina |
91.4 |
11 |
Dakota |
78.0 |
22 |
Tennessee |
96.0 |
4 |
Texas |
65.7 |
31 |
Utah |
2.2 |
50 |
Vermont |
55.7 |
37 |
Virginia |
93.8 |
7 |
Washington |
58.9 |
35 |
Virginia |
91.5 |
10 |
Wisconsin |
89.4 |
14 |
Wyoming |
36.7 |
44 |
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