"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"

Research shows that onions may help guard against many chronic diseases.  That's probably because onions contain generous amounts of the flavonoid quercetin.  Studies have shown that quercetin protects against cataracts, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.  In addition, onions contain a variety of other naturally occurring chemicals known as organosulfur com-pounds that have been linked to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.7

Onions contain 25 active compounds that appear to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells alliin being the main constituent.  Onion has been found to help combat heart disease, inhibit strokes, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and stimulate the immune system.  The potassium salts and the flavonoides that are present perform an anti-inflammatory action.  The essential oil is an expectorant, antiseptic, antifungal, anticoagulant, high-blood pressure, antithelmitic, balsamic, rubefciant, and has analgesic properties

In investigating the use of onion in medicinal terms, the onion is found to be a remedy for conditions with symptoms like those which are caused by exposure to onions, such as watering eyes, and a burning and running nose.  When looking at the symptoms of cold, it is ironic that we would treat this ailment with an almost like-with-like therapy. Alliums are antibacterial and anti-fungal, so they can help ward off colds and treat colds with sinus congestion that shifts from side to side in the head.  Onion will relieve coughs that cause a ripping or tearing pain in the throat or a cough that is merely an irritating dry tickle.  The watery and inflamed eyes due to sinus con-gestion and hay fever will be greatly relieved with onion. 

The onions ability to relieve congestions especially in the lungs and bronchial tract, is hard to believe until you have actually witnessed the results.  The drawing of infection, congestion and colds out of the ear is also remarkable.

The onion will relieve stomach upset and other gastrointestinal disorders and it will also strengthen the appetite. 

Onions help prevent thrombosis and reduce hypertension, according to the American Heart Association. 8  The natural constituents of yellow or white onions can “…raise HDL cholesterol by 30% over time”, according to Dr. Victor Gurewich of Tufts University.9

The onion is being used for compresses to be applied to the skin for acne, arthritis, and congestion, and used internally for worms.  The onion is also known for its diuretic properties.

There have been cases in which the onion has been proven to be so effective as an antiviral that a cut piece of onion placed in a closed off room will prevent the person in the room to be safe from viruses.

Onion will relieve headache centered behind the forehead; earache in children and adults; stuffed up nose with discharge that makes nostrils and upper lip sore or stuffed up nose with discharge from the alternate nostril; toothache, especially in the molar area or the shifting from side to side or from one tooth to another; hoarseness and the early stages of laryngitis; abdominal colic in babies.

Keeping cooler rooms in the home, and getting plenty of fresh air may prevent the symptoms of a stuffy nose and hoarseness.
by Eva Wilson
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