|History| |Location| |Constituents| |Contra-Indications| |Formulas| |Experiences| |Bibliography|
Chemical Constituents of Comfrey
There has been much research and study done (Australia, Great Britain, Africa, USSR, United States) on Prickly Comfrey (Symphytum asperrimum) and Quaker Comfrey (Symphytum peregrinum) as forage plants due to their high protein content and the fact that Comfrey is the only land plant that takes vitamin B12 from the soil. The entire plant is a good source of vegetable protein, and the green leaves contain vitamins A, C, E, and several B vitamins, including choline, the fat-emulsifying vitamin that helps fight cholesterol deposits. Other ingredients are folic acid, the anti-anemia vitamin, and some B12, which controls the deadly pernicious anemia. The leaves also contain the vital minerals of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, some iron, a little iodine, and many other trace minerals. Comfrey is one of the richest sources of silicon in the botanic world, surpassed only by horsetail grass. On the following pages is a list of the chemical constituents in Symphytum, their medicinal actions and where Symphytum lands on the list of plants species with the highest amount of that constituent (ppm = parts per million):

(leaf) 13,000ppm; (root) 6,000-8,000 ppm-the biological activities are antidandruff, anti-inflammatory, anti-peptic, anti-psoriac, anti-ulcer, immuno-stimulant, keratolytic, sunscreen, suppurative, vulnerary. Symphytum is the number one plant species with the highest amount of allantoin.

(root) 237 ppm-the biological activities are anti-silicotic, anti-vaginitic, candidicide, encephalopathic. Symphytum does not make the top plant list for this constituent.

(root) 132 ppm-the list of the biological activities of this mineral is about 65 actions long! For my purposes, I would highlight the fact that it is anti-hepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic, anti-mutagenic, anti-oxidant, anti-septic, anti-tumor, anti-ulcer, cancer-preventative, diuretic, interferonogenic, uricosuric, and vulnerary. Symphytum does not make the top plant list for this constituent.

(root) 140,000 ppm-no biological activities reported. Symphytum does not make the top plant list for this constituent.

(root) 10,000-30,000 ppm-the biological activities of this mineral are anti-sickling and diuretic. Symphytum is the third highest plant species with this mineral.

(root) 660 ppm-again, the biological activity list is too long to mention, so I will highlight what I see as the most pertinent to this study: anti-carcinomic, anti-leukoplakic, anti-mutagenic, anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, anti-ulcer, cancer-preventative, immuno-stimulant, interferon-synergist, and phagocytotic. Symphytum is number fifteen on the top plant species list.

(root)-no amount is listed. There are no biological activities reported for this constituent. Symphytum is number three on the top plant species list.

(root)-no amount is listed. The biological activities that most pertain to Comfrey use are the following: analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-carcinogenic, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anti-oxidant, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, cancer-preventative, diuretic, fungicide, hepatoprotective, immuno-stimulant, insectifuge, and sedative. Symphytum doesn't make the top plant list for this constituent.

(root) 11,300 ppm-this mineral is crucial to the formation of strong bones and teeth, proper blood clotting, cancer preventative, anti-atherosclerotic, among many other actions. Symphytum doesn't make the top plant list for this constituent.

(root) 759,000 ppm-there are no biological activities reported, though, these are the building blocks of foods for the body. Symphytum doesn't make the top plant list for this constituent.

(plant) 6,300 ppm-this is vitamin A and is intrinsically connected to beta-carotenes because one beta-carotene molecule can be converted to two carotenes in the body. Both of these substances are known as liver builders and cleansers. It is helpful in wound healing, anti-oxidant, protects mucous membranes, anti-cancer, and is known to be non-toxic in any amount. “Many researchers are now saying that people who have a high beta-carotene intake may have a lower risk of cancer.” Symphytum is number one on the plant species list to contain the highest amount of this vitamin.

(root)-amount is not listed. The biological activities that most pertain to the use of Comfrey are as follows: anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic, anti-viral, cancer-preventative, diuretic, fungicide, hepatoprotective and vulnerary. Symphytum doesn't make the top plant list for this constituent.

(root)-amount is not listed. The biological activities that most pertain to the use of comfrey are as follows: anti-cirrhotic, hepatoprotective, ileorelaxant, and lipotropic. Symphytum doesn't make the top plant list for this constituent.

(root) 8 ppm-this mineral plays a vital role in the metabolism of glucose in the body. It helps to synthesize cholesterol, fats and proteins. Symphytum does not make the top plant list for this constituent.

(root) 129 ppm-this mineral plays an important role in assisting the body to assimilate and utilize vitamin B12. It participates in the production of red blood cells, boosts the cells ability to assimilate iron and it stimulates the production of enzymes required for a variety of body processes. Symphytum is number thirteen on the plant species with the highest amount of this constituent.

(root)-the biological activities listed are CNS-paralytic, curaroid, myoparalytic and appears to have some toxicity to it. However, note that it doesn't even have a ppm or trace amount after the name-is there so little of this in the root as to barely make the chart? Symphytum is number one on the plant species with the highest amount of this constituent.

(root) 17 ppm-the biological activities listed are CNS-Depressant, CNS-paralytic,curaroid and myoparalytic and they have some toxicity connected to them. Again, I notice the small amount found only in the root. Symphytum is number one on the plant species to contain this element in the highest amount.

(root)-amount not listed. This is a monosaccharide and plays a role in inducing interferon in the cells which helps in immunity. Symphytum is the number nine on the plant species list to have the highest amount of this constituent.

(root)-amount not listed. This is another one of the toxic alkaloids because its biological activities are listed as hepatotoxic and mutagenic. Again, Symphytum is listed as the number one plant species to have the highest amount of this constituent. Note, too, that the amount available in the plant is not listed.

(root)-amount not listed. There are no biological activities listed for this chemical and Symphytum (root) is the number two plant to contain this chemical in its highest amount.

(root) 17,000 ppm-there are no biological activities reported. Symphytum does not make the top plant list for this constituent.

(root) 72,000 ppm-biological activities listed are anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, anti-tumor, anti-ulcer, cancer preventative, cardioprotective, hypocholesterolemic, hypotensive, and laxative. Symphytum does not make the top plant list for this constituent.

(root)-amount not listed. The biological activities are too numerous to repeat here but the ones that are relevant to the usage of Comfrey are sedative, tranquilizer, anti-stress, neurotransmitter, hypotensive, cardiovascular, diuretic, neuroinhibitor, CNS inhibitor, and anti-lethargic. Symphytum is number twenty-seven on the top plant species list. glucose (root)-amount not listed. The biological activities that are specific to Comfrey usage are anti-edemic, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-varicose. Symphytum doesn't make the top plant list for this constituent.

(root)-amount not listed. The biological activities listed here are: antidote (camphor), antidote (morphine), anti-hepatotoxic and detoxicant. Symphytum is number eighteen on the top plant species list.

(root) 50,000-100,000 ppm. There are no biological activities reported for gum. Symphytum is number six on the plant species list.

(root)-amount not listed. This appears to be one of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids because of the “n-oxide” attached to the name. Symphytum is number one on the plant species list.

(root)-there are no biological activities reported for this chemical. Symphytum is the number ten on the plant species list.

(root) 810 ppm-this chemical is crucial to a healthy immune system because it carries oxygen from the lungs to all other bodily cells and tissues. Among many important bodily functions that are too numerous to mention, one function worthy of note is that it also boosts liver and kidney functions. Symphytum does not make the top plant list for this chemical.

(root)-the amount is not listed and there are no biological activities reported. Symphytum is the number one plant highest in this constituent.

(root) 2,170/kg-there are no biological activities reported and Symphytum does not make the top plant species list.

(root)-the amount is not listed and there are no biological activities reported, though this is a gum/simple sugar and therefore an energy provider. Symphytum is number twenty-three on the top plants list.

(root)-the amount is not listed and there are no biological activities listed. It is a gum/simple sugar and therefore provides energy. Symphytum is number twenty-three on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root)-there is not an amount listed. The biological activities present are anti-tumor, carcinogenic and hepatotoxic. Symphytum is number one on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root)-amount not listed. The biological activities are anti-gonadotrophic, anti-thyroid and cardiotonic. Symphytum is number five on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root)-amount not listed. The biological activity is hepatotoxic and Symphytum is number two on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root) 1,700 ppm-there is a myriad of benefits due to this chemical. The following are only a few of the ones that are more specific to the action of Comfrey: anti-convulsant, anti-inflammatory, anti-lithic, and anti-spasmodic. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this chemical.

(root) 67 ppm-there is a myriad of benefits due to this chemical. The ones more closely related to the action of Comfrey are as follows: it is required for the breakdown of protein (of which Comfrey has a lot) and fats and is involved in bone growth and development; it is vital for the proper functioning of nerve health; it stimulates the production of antibodies and phagocytes which fight infection and disease. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this chemical.

(root) 290,000 ppm-the biological activities listed for this constituent are cancer-preventative and demulcent. Symphytum is number ten on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root) 250,000-300,000 ppm-there are no biological activities reported for this constituent, but this is a long sugar chain that stores energy. Symphytum is number one on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root)-no amount is listed. This is vitamin B3 and is necessary for a healthy nervous system and proper brain function. Among many important functions are the following: anti-convulsant, anti-dermatitic, anti-spasmodic, cancer-preventative, hepatoprotective, sedative. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(seed)-no amount is listed and there are no biological activities reported for this constituent. Symphytum is number two on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root) 2,111 ppm-this is the second most plentiful mineral in the body next to calcium and most of it is located in the bones and teeth. It is essential to the proper development of bones, teeth and cells. It helps the body to utilize vitamins and helps to convert food to energy and it is an immuno-stimulant. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root) 15,900 ppm-the cell of the human body contains more potassium than any other mineral and it is essential for the chemical reactions that take place at the cellular level. It is important in the nervous system and works with sodium to maintain the proper acid/alkaline balance in the blood. It is an anti-fatigue and anti-spasmodic. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root) 94,000 ppm-there are no biological activities reported for protein. Of course, proteins are the building blocks of life, so this is crucial to the action of Comfrey as a vulnerary. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root) 24,000 ppm-there are no biological activities reported for this constituent. Symphytum is number one on the top plants list for this constituent.

reducing sugars
(root) 51,500 ppm-there are no biological activities reported for this constituent. Symphytum is number four on the top plants list for reducing-sugars.

(root) 7.2 ppm-this is vitamin B2 which helps the body to digest fats, proteins and carbohydrates and convert them into usable energy. Among many of its benefits, it is necessary for cell respiration and growth, it facilitates the use of oxygen by body tissues and is thus vital to the repair of bodily tissues. It is also a cancer-preventative. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(leaf) 5,000 ppm-the biological activities that are relevant to the usage of Comfrey are as follows: anti-bacterial, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-shock, anti-viral and cancer-preventative. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root)-the amount is not listed. The biological activities that are relevant to the usage of Comfrey are as follows: analgesic, anti-cirrhotic, anti-oxidant, anti-ulcerogenic, cancer-preventative and fungicide. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(leaf) 40,000 ppm-the biological activity listed for this is anti-diabetic. Symphytum is number three on the top plants list for silicic-acid.

(root) 35 ppm-the biological activity listed is anti-arteriosclerotic. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root) 3,510 ppm-the biological activity listed is hypertensive. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root)-the amount is not listed. The biological activities that pertain to the usage of Comfrey are as follows: anti-hepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, cancer-preventative, and sedative. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root)-the amount is not listed. The biological activities that pertain to the usage of Comfrey are as follows: anti-oxidant, demulcent, and vulnerary. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(plant)-the amount is not listed and no biological activities are reported. However, Symphytum is number one on the top plants list.

(root)-the amount is not listed. The biological activity listed is hepatotoxic. Symphytum is number one on the top plants list.

(root) 21 ppm-the amount is not listed and no biological activities are reported. However, Symphytum is number one on the top plants list.

(plant) 80,000-90,000 ppm-the biological activities that pertain to the usage of Comfrey are as follows: anti-bacterial, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, cancer-preventative, hepatoprotective and anti-HIV. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root) 1.2 ppm-the biological activities that pertain to the usage of Comfrey are as follows: analgesic, anti-cardiospasmic, anti-deliriant, anti-fatigue and anti-neuralgic. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root) 6.7 ppm-the biological activities listed are anti-acne and anti-bacterial. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(plant)-the amount is not listed and there are no biological activities reported. However, Symphytum is number one on the top plants list.

(root) 862,000 ppm-there are no biological activities listed for water, but it is important to remember that the body cannot function without water. It keeps all the systems functioning. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root)-the amount is not listed. The biological activities are anti-diabetic, diagnostic, and dye. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

(root) 2.8 pp-the biological activities that pertain to the usage of Comfrey are as follows: anti-arthritic, anti-eczemic, anti-infective, anti-viral, astringent, immuno-stimulant and vulnerary. Symphytum is not listed on the top plants list for this constituent.

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