Equal amounts of onion juice and honey should be mixed and three to four teaspoon of this mixture should be taken daily in conditions of cold, cough, bronchitis and influenza.
The Complete German Commission E Monographs lists the average daily dose as 50g of fresh onion, the juice from 50g of fresh onion, or 20g dried onion. A maximum of diphenylamine 35 mg/day is recommended if onion preparations are used over several months.39
Onions chopped and roasted can be applied to the chest as a poultice for respiratory congestion. A baked onion can be applied to an earache as a poultice. A teaspoon of onion juice can relieve hiccough.40 Onions can be eaten raw and cooked for herbal benefit without limiting oneself.
39 Expanded Commission E Online, "Onion," published by the American Botanical Council, www.herbalgram.org/iherb/expandedcommissione, accessed 21 May 2007.
40 Dr. John R. Christopher, School of Natural Healing, Christopher Publications, 1976, 13th printing, Feb. 2001, page 32.
"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"