"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"

by Herman Maiden
This site brought to you by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

I have taken pau d’arco capsules for a throat infection and got excellent results.  My dosage  was 2 capsules of 300 mg 2 times a day for a period of two weeks.  After that period of time my infection had cleared up.


In 1982 a man from Illinois had what doctors called “mixed cancer” (Hodgkins and Lymphopenia)  He had everything against him.  A biopsy revealed that the cells were dead in his hip.  He had suffered pain for about nine months until he could no longer stand it.  He then entered the Veterans Hospital in June of 1982 and took numerous tests and x-rays.  The doctors told him that he had holes in the pelvic bone and his ribs.  They put him on crutches because of the fear of the pelvic bone breaking.  He  took cobalt treatment which stopped the growth and pain.  He became acquainted with and started faithfully taking vitamin, mineral and herb supplements, food enzymes and a fresh live food diet without meat.  In October of 1982 he began a double potency of Pau d’arco.  In February, 1983 he was examined by the doctors and they found the hip was completely healed and the cancer in his ribs and pelvic bone was gone.


In 1983 a man was extensively tested and x-rayed in San Francisco and it was confirmed he had an extremely fast acting cancer of the same type that Steve McQueen died of.  He was told he might have 6 months to live and that there was no treatment available to help him.  So he launched into nutrition.  He was very specific with his diet and used pau d’arco with other herbs periodically throughout each day.   As with the many other experiences, he was completely free of cancer in one month.


A man from Oregon who had diabetes and kidney failure had almost died 3 times.  After taking pau d’arco for nearly two weeks, his body chemistry was normal.  The doctors couldn’t believe this turnabout for they hadn’t expected him to live very long.


A woman from Oregon claims that the malignant tumors in her bladder disappered after using pau d’arco.  She said it was confirmed by her doctor at Kaiser Hospital.


An Illinois man suffered from a gum disease called Pyorrhea, causing a great deal of pain.  It usually developed into an abscess which meant a trip to the dentist, who lanced and drained the abscess and put him on antibiotics.  This teeth usually loosened  and ended up being removed.  This man came across Pau d’arco in November, 1981 and after using it for 24 hours found amazing results.  The pain subsided, the swelling went down and the pus pocket was gradually eliminated.  He was convinced of the value of Pau d’arco and was no doubt thrilled to have been able to save his teeth.


A man in Salt Lake City, Utah, has been using Pau d’arco.   He had a malignant tumor in his eye.  The first thing he noticed was that it took away the pain.  Then the tumor shrunk to nothing.


In 1983 a man in New York City was in the hospital dying as a consequence of AIDS.  Because he was only wasting away the doctors said he may only live another 3 weeks or so, he checked himself out of the hospital.  A friend took him to someone who began teaching him about nutrition and herbs.  He took  pau d’arco along with other cleansing and bulding herbs, an herbal regimen that fought yeast overgrowth and mucus.  He began a pure fresh live food diet.  He experienced cleansing treactions from the bowels to the skin as his body begin flushing toxins.  At this point (3 weeks into it) he was diagnosed by his medical doctor as having skin cancer.  He continued with his herbal program and added a carrot juice fast to the regimen.  As with the many other experiences, it was only a matter of weeks before he regained his color, strength, vitality and health.  Today this man is only one of many who are benefiting from the rejuvenating powers of pau d’arco.


The curative powers of pau d’arco have brought relief with such untold suffering that it is no wonder in Brazil they call it the Divine Tree.

[Table of Contents] [History] [Location] [Chemical Constituents] [Medicinal Qualities]
[Contra-Indications] [Known Herbal Formulas] [Dosages & Applications] [Personal Experience] [Bibliography]