
Heiser, Charles B., Jr. Nightshades. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1969.

Hutchens, Alma R. Indian Herbology of North America. Kumbakonam, S. India: Homeo House Press, 1970.

Grieve, M., Mrs. A Modern Herbal. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1980.

Herbalist Magazine, Vol. I #1, March, 1979.

Johnson, Fredrick, Ed. Water Control Systems of the Telruacor Valley, Vol. 4. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1972.

rcli. Common Herbs For Natural Health. New York: Sctoken: 1976. Christopher, John R. School of Natural Healing. Provo, Utah, 1975.

Trease, G.E. and Evans, Charles, Pharmacognosy, London: Baillerie Tirdal, 1978.

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