"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"

Translations by David Card, into English (only in this paper).
Christopher, John R. School of Natural Healing, (eleventh printing), Springville, Utah: Christopher Publications, 1996.
Duke, James A. The Green Pharmacy, Emmons, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, 1997.
Flora, www.florahealth.com (Online herbal and supplemental encyclopedia/Blessed Thistle), 04/15/05.
Gerard, John. The Herbal or General History of Plants (1633 edition), New York: Dover Publications, 1975.
Hertwig, Hugo. Gesund durch Heil pflanzen, Berlin: Verlag für Kulturpolitik, 1935.
Holmes, Peter. The Energetics of Western Herbs, Berkeley, California: Natt Trop Publishing, 1993.
Losch, Fr. Kraeuterbuch (7th edition), Esslingen, Germany:Verlag T.F. Schreiber, (1935).
Malstrom, Stan. Own your own Body: Bell Press, 1977.
Mindell, Earl. Earl Mindell’s Herb Bible, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992.
Mueller, E.A. Die Frau als Hausärztin, Stuttgart: Süddeutsches Verlags, 1962.
Pahlow, M. Das Grosse Buch der Heil Pflanzen, Germany: Gräfe und Unzer, 1993.
Podlech, Dieter. GU Naturführer Heil Pflanzen, Germany: Graefe and Unzer, 1997.
Schauenberg, Paul, and Ferdinand Paris. Guide to Medicinal Plants, New Canaan, Connecticut: Keats Publishing, Inc., 1977.
Schlegel, Emil. Religion der Arznei (4th edition), Radebeul/Dresden:Verlag Paul Rohrmoser, 1933.
Schönenberger, Kräuterhaus. Unsere Schweizer Heilkräuter, Switzerland, 1900’s.
Starck, Marcia. Healing with Astrology, Freedom California: Crossing Press, 1997.
Tabernaemontauus, Jacobus Theodorus. Kraeuterbuch (reprint), Offenbach am Main: Verlag Johann Ludwig Konigs Buchhaudler, 1731.
Tagen, Kranken. Selbsthilfe in Gesunden und, Berne: Verlag Kirma Kramer, Grotten and Schrapf, 1927.
Tobe, John H. Proven Herbal Remedies: Provoker Press, 1969.
Vonarburg, Bruno. Homeotanik Bluetenreicher Sommer, Heidelberg, Germany: Karl R. Haug Verlag, 1999.
Weiss, Gaea and Shaudor. Growing  and Using the Healing Herbs, New York: Wing Books, 1992.
Willard, Terry. Textbook of Modern Herbology (2nd Revised Edition), Calgary, Alberta: Wild Rose College of Natural Healing, Ltd. 1995.
Willfort, Richard. Gesundehit durch Heilkraeuter, Linz: Rudolf Trauner Verlag, 1982.
Zeller, Alfred P. Die Natuerliche Haus Apotheke, Oldenburg: Pamir Verlag, 1982.
by David Card
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