A sexually carried disease caused by a type of bacteria, marked by three stages over a period of years.
Herbal Aids:
Plantain: Use as a tea and an external application. [SNH p.53]
See formula using red clover, burdock seed, Oregon grape root and blood root. [SNH p.58]
Poke Root: Use the liniment or the infusion as a wash, and drink internally. [SNH p.61] Infusion of poke root: See formula using poke root and distilled water. [SNH p.61 Compound Poke Root Liniment: See formula using poke root, bayberry powder, sassafras, bay or laurel and tragacanth. [SNH p.62]
Burdock Root; Drink the decoction regularly. [SNH p.65] Decoction of burdock root: See formula using burdock root, distilled water and glycerine. [SNH p.65]
See formula using Oregon grape root, red clover, burdock seeds, cascara sagrada, blue flag, prickly ash berries and blood root. [SNH p.74]
Sassafras: Drink an infusion of equal parts sassafras and sarsaparillas (Smilax ornata) and 1/2 part Guaiacum officinale. [SNH p.79]
See formula using sumac berries, sumac bark, white pine bark and slippery elm bark. [SNH p.158]
See formula using mandrake root, poke root, yellow dock, sassafras, blue flag, elder flowers and caraway seeds. [SNH p.198]
See formula for external use, consisting of mucilage of comfrey, burdock root and distilled water. [SNH p.314]
Pine: The Pine needles were used as an herbal aid for syphilis by the Zunis. The patient chewed the needles, swallowed them, drank a quantity of cold water and then ran for a mile or until he perspired profusely. When he returned home he wrapped himself in a heavy blanket. Women patients were not required to run. A tea of the twigs was drunk warm in conjunction with chewing the needles. Syphilitic ulcers were scraped with the fingernails until they bled and the powdered pinion gum was sprinkled over them to promote healing (Nie:50). [UW-Pine]
Prickly Ash: Because it is an excellent alterative the herb has long been applied in constitutional syphilis and scrofula, being considered as good a herbal aid for the former as other specifics. The herb mixed with blue flag and mandrake should be given in small doses at short intervals. [UW-Prickly Ash]
True Sarsaparilla: True Sarsaparilla was discovered by the early Spanish settlers in Jamaica, Perus, St. Domingo and Brazil in the middle of the sixteenth century. It was introduced into Seville about 1536 from "New Spain" and another variety soon arrive from Honduras. Pedro de Cieze de Leon in 1553 wrote that he saw it growing in South America. It was recommended as a cure for syphilis and for some time was considered the only effective remedy for this ailment. ...It was from the time of its introduction considered a superior blood purifier. It fell into disuse for a while until Sir William Fordyce revived it in 1757. After this short resurgence it was ignored. During the latter part of the nineteenth century its use was considered the result of ignorant superstition.
In 1928, however, Perutz studied it extensively and concluded that it really did help in the treatment of syphilis, probably by stimulating the body's defensive mechanism (Luc:54). [UW-Sarsaparilla]
Stillingia: The herb is used in all the various forms of primary and secondary syphilitic affections in which it appears to have a most definite effect for healing. There is some disagreement about its actual effect in syphilis probably because in earlier years it was somewhat overrated, that poor preparations have been employed and that the proper preparations of the herb have not been followed. When the herb is correctly prepared and administered the results are said to be as good as those obtained from any of the antisyphilitics (Felk:1837). It should be used in those syphilitic conditions where the tissues are feeble and "tardily removed and renewed, the mucous membranes are predominantly affected and the skin secondarily and the mucous surfaces are tumid, red, glistening and the secretion is scanty." The tincture which should be extracted by alcohol or the fluid extract are the preferable modes of administration, usually 1/2 fluid dram of the tincture or 1 to 20 drops of the fluid extract are given three times a day. [UW-Stillingia]
Burdock: Dr. Shook, my teacher in herbal pharmacy, in his textbook says: An excellent blood purifier is Burdock (Arctium Lappa), as a blood purifier we use the root. Nature has not produced for us many herbs whose food and medicinal value equal this one. Its ancient history as a reliable herbal aid for bad blood, ulcers, tumors and many skin diseases such as what we today call Eczema, Pityriasis, Psoriasis, Furunculosis (Boils), Acne, Lupus, etc., to say nothing of internal disorders such as Syphilis, Scrofula, Leprosy, Cancer, etc., and the modern proofs of its marvelous efficacy in the treatment of humanity's most fearsome and loathsome diseases is proof positive that very few if any herbs are more virtuous or possess more curative powers. ...The following formula, a decoction, is helpful for syphilis, scrofula, skin diseases, furunculosis, tumors, abscesses, acne, and a general cachectic condition of the system.
Put 4 ounces of the dried cut herb into three pints of distilled water. Soak four hours or more and then simmer 30 minutes slowly. Strain, cool and keep in a cool place.
Dose for adults. A wineglassful (2 oz) 3 or 4 times a day. For children, less according to age.
If it is desired to make up more of this decoction, and it is desired to keep it for any length of time, it should be boiled down to 1/3 of its original amount and add to the finished amount of tea 1/2 vegetable glycerine. In other words to one pint of tea add 8 oz. or to a quart add one pint, etc. [NL 1-2]
Gotu Kola: The plant portion above the ground contains a large amount of Vellarin which is a substance that fights infections diseases like leprosy, syphilis, and eczema. Care is taken to dry this herb in the shade to preserve this valuable substance. [NL 5-1]
Barberry: Barberry is also used for specific ailments, notably syphilis. Felter (EMMP&T:244) mentions that Barberry seems to clear up the bone, mucous membrane and skin ailments of the disease, when given persistently in appreciable doses, to a patient who otherwise takes good care of himself. Most practitioners combine Barberry with other herbs for this ailment. [NL 5-4]
Cloves: Another combination, containing Cloves, sandalwood paste, and saffron is said to help in syphilitic affections as an alterative and tonic (Ibid.). This was recently tested in cases of secondary syphilis, with marked benefits to the patients. [NL 6-6]
Echinacea: Many people have observed its good effects in cases of syphilis. The longest time, reported Ellington, to effect the cure was nine months (Ell:363). The patient begins to feel a general improved condition after taking the remedy a few days. It removes the pain and discomfort, removes the fever, and abates the evidences of the disease without after-effects. [NL 6-12]
"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"