Usages: A synergistic blend of herbs for temporary relief of minor aches & pains.
We all experience minor pain at some point in our lifetime. Simple tasks like waking up in the morning, or moving household items can aggravate the pain even more. While treating the cause is vital, we often want a safe & effective way to help the pain subside.
Dr. Christopher's Stop-Ache provides natural relief & is well tolerated by the body. Dosages: Take 2 capsules as needed or as directed by your Health Care Professional. For optimum results take 1 hour before or after meals as to not compete with digestion.
Ingredients: White Willow Bark Feverfew Herb Clove Powder Hops Flower Lobelia Herb Valerian Root Wild Lettuce Herb Wood Betony Herb.
Useful in Treating: Aids the body in reducing pain, inflammation and irritability