A wound resulting from the piercing of the flesh by the fangs of a snake.
Herbal Aids:
Plantain: The American Indians used Plantain for a variety of ills. It is said that a South Carolina Indian was given a reward for the information that Plantain was the chief remedy for the cure of rattlesnake bite. Indians are said to have applied a poultice of Plantain for battle bruises and for drawing out snake poisons (Coon:211). The Shoshone Indians made poultices of the whole plant and applied them to the bruises of battles. In some cases, the poultices are combined with the foliage of wild clematis. The Indians of southern Massachusetts applied the leaves both for wounds and for snakebites (Coon:158). The Chippewas used it for inflammation, and as an application to draw out a splinter (Densmore:291). [UW-Plantain]
Echinacea: The Omaha Poncas used Echinacea as a basic herb for a variety of ailments. The fresh root was placed on toothaches until the pain subsided. It was used on enlarged glands--like mumps. A smoke fumigant of Echinacea was used to treat headaches, snakebite. [NL 6-12]
Black Cohosh: The bruised root, applied to the wound, was used by the Indians as an antidote for snakebite, with the juice in small amounts taken internally, apparently by chewing bits of the root (Hut:79). [NL 5-6]
Dr. Christopher's Herbal Legacy
"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"