
Spongy gums, bleeding gums, sore mouth, thrush, tender gums, teething babies and pyorrhea.

Herbal Aids:

Ulcers, Spongy and Bleeding Gums: Use the decoction as a wash. See formula using bayberry root and distilled water. [SNH p.133]

Sore Mouth and Sore or Spongy Gums. Red oak, use the decoction as a wash. [SNH p.139]

Sore Mouth and Throat, Thrush, Spongy Gums. Red raspberry, use the strong infusion as a wash and gargle. [SNH p.143]

Spongy Gums, etc. See formula using raspberry leaves and bayberry bark. [SNH p.149]

Sore Mouth, Bleeding Gums: Cranesbill, use the decoction or strong infusion as a mouth rinse. [SNH p.153]

Spongy Gums: Sumach, use the infusion of berries as a mouth rinse. [SNH p.158]

Sore and Ulcerated Mouth or Gums, Running Sores, Nasal Problems: Bistort, use the decoction or infusion, etc., as a rinse or wash. [SNH p.162]

Gums (tender, bleeding, spongy). Myrrh, apply diluted tincture or use as tooth powder. [SNH p.455]

Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder: Dr. Christopher's Herbal Tooth Powder:  This herbal food combination consists of oak bark, oat straw, comfrey root, horsetail grass, lobelia, cloves, peppermint. This formula is used to help strengthen the gums (bleeding and pyorrhea-type infections of the gums), and assist in tightening loose teeth. This type tooth powder will help brighten the teeth's luster and make for a healthier mouth. For severe cases place this powder combination between the lips and gums (up and lower) around entire tooth area and leave on all night, six nights a week (as well as brushing regularly) until improvement is evident. Then continue on with regular tooth brushing with this herbal food combination. [HHH p.189]

Teething Babies: Catnip and fennel extract massaged into the gums help take off the edge. Some teething preparations are made from oil of cloves, which is a natural remedy for toothache and should help localized pain. Sips of camomile or catnip tea can give generalized relief of pain. [EWH p.104]

General Herbs: Other herbs used for troubles with teeth and gums include barberry, bistort, cranesbill, oak, Oregon grape, potentilla, self heal, strawberry, and prickly ash. An excellent formula to help pyorrhea is X-Ceptic. For a toothache, you can use cow parsnip, cranesbill, oak, tobacco and, of course, cloves. Camomile, cayenne, hops, plantain, prickly ash, and sassafras can relieve pain, while elecampane is said to help with tooth decay. [EWH p.140]

Apples: Some have called the apple "Nature's Toothbrush" as it helps clean the teeth and massage the gums. Research has proven that eating one apple removes over 30% more bacteria from the mouth than two-three minute brushing plus a gargle. [NL 5-1]

X-Ceptic: Dr. Christopher's Antiseptic Tincture:  An excellent formula for pyorrhea is X-Ceptic. [EWH p.140]


Pyorrhea: One night Dr. Christopher decided that he would not give his lecture on his usual series because there was a blizzard on. He figured that nobody would come out on such a night. He was going to put a sign on the door that they would meet the following week. But something said to him, "If you can help just one person, it would be worth staying." So instead of going home, he opened up and put the chairs out. Soon people started coming, and the house was nearly full. He had finished his subject, and said, "We are now going to talk on a subject that has bothered many people, pyorrhea." And just as he began to say this, a woman stepped in the door. The street light showed that the storm was still going, and the woman brushed snow off her coat and stomped it off her overshoes. He said there was another seat available in front, but, crying, she shook her head and stood there by the door.

He continued to tell the audience what to do for pyorrhea, which was to use powdered oak bark, putting it up between the lips and gums at night before going to bed, leaving it in all night. This should be done faithfully six nights a week, week after week. It would tighten the gums and heal, and if the teeth were loose, they would tighten up again. An American Indian remedy, it had cleared many cases of pyorrhea.

As he finished this subject, the door opened and the lady stepped out again. He thought little of it and finished the lecture. But two weeks later during the same lecture series, there was a lady down in front that he didn't recognize. This lady raised her hand and asked if she could say just a few words before starting.

He thought she might be telling about someone who had left their lights on or something, but she stood up and said that she had been at the lecture two weeks before, although no one would recognize her. She was from out-of-town and came in by bus to Salt Lake City. Some time before she had gone to a dentist because her teeth were getting loose. When the dentist looked into her mouth, he said it was the worst case of pyorrhea that he had ever seen in his life. He said that there was nothing that he could do other than to pull all her teeth, trim her gums, and put in a new set of teeth. He didn't feel qualified to do this because he hadn't the equipment or knowledge, but that a specialist in Salt Lake City could do it.

This specialist said he had never seen a case that bad. She had 32 teeth of her own, without a filling, and yet they were all loose; they all had to be pulled. The dentist took an impression of her mouth, and asked her to come back in two weeks, when he would have her false teeth ready and he would pull the teeth and trim the gums.

This nearly broke her heart, because her teeth had been perfect up until then. She went back to her hotel because she couldn't get a bus back home until morning. During the blizzard, she just lay there worrying about losing her teeth and, not being able to rest, got up, dressed, and went out for a walk. She didn't know the town at all, but just walked up one street and down another. She didn't know where she was, and all of a sudden she wound up on State Street right in front of Christopher's store.

The curtain was closed, and a light was shining through it and, feeling chilled, she entered the room just to get warm. Later she felt that the good Lord had her wander around the streets until he knew it was time for Dr. Christopher to talk about pyorrhea. When he finished the subject, she felt that all the weight of the world was suddenly lifted off her shoulders. She knew the right way to be healed. She went right back to her hotel room and slept like a baby. The next day, she found a health store close to the hotel and bought some powdered oak bark. She put it right in her mouth and got on the bus.

Within a matter of days, she went back to her dentist to tell him that her gums were healing and her teeth getting solid again. He had never seen anything like this. He wanted her to go to the specialist in Salt Lake City to show him her mouth. She went to Salt Lake City the day she spoke in the lecture, and that specialist said that in his years of dentistry, he had never seen a miracle like this. He didn't know pyorrhea could ever be healed. He thought it was an act of God.

She just told the class to listen to what Dr. Christopher told them, because here she stood, with all of her natural teeth intact because of oak bark. [EWH p.138]

Dr. Christopher's Program for Gum Disease

Herbal Combinations:

* X-Ceptic
* Complete Tissue & Bone
* Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder


Make a paste mixing White Oak Bark or Complete Tissue & Bone powder with X-ceptic and put it on gums. Hold on gums as long as possible.

Herbal Tooth Powder: Replace toothpaste with powder and brush teeth with it.

Single herbs:

White Oak Bark

See Also:

Stomach Comfort: Dr. Christopher's Catnip and Fennel Tincture
Complete Tissue & Bone
Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder: Dr. Christopher's Herbal Tooth Powder
X-Ceptic: Dr. Christopher's Antiseptic Tincture

"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"