Definition: An overgrown thyroid gland, usually seen as a swelling in the neck.
Herbal Aids: Poke Root Extract: [SNH p.60] Use 1/2 - 1 teaspoonful of the fluid extract in 1 glassful of water, give 1 teaspoonful of the mixture every 2-3 hours; or 10 drops of the tincture every 4 hours. See formula using poke root, alcohol and water. [SNH p.61]
Poke Root Liniment: [SNH p.61] Use the fluid extract externally as a liniment, and drink internally in very small doses (as indicated in "Dosage.") See formula using poke root, alcohol and water. [SNH p.61]
Bayberry: Use in doses of 10 grains 3 times daily; take orally and use as a fomentation on the throat. [SNH p.132]
Red Oak: Apply a hot fomentation wrung out of a strong decoction of the inner bark of oak; bind over the swollen gland with woolen or flannel cloth and repeat as required. [SNH p.139]
Vegetables for the Prevention of Goiter: Cabbage, carrots, celery, lettuce. [NL 4-12]
Echinacea: Cases of goiter, impetigo contagiosa, local infection, urethral infection, diabetic ulcers, alopecia (baldness), and so on, are reported to have been effectively treated with Echinacea. [NL 6-12]