Definition: A malarial fever which is attended by paroxysmal and recurrent chills.
Symptoms: This is a condition of malnutrition and poor blood circulation. [SNH p.2] Herbal Aids: Diaphoretics: Moist heat and profuse perspiration or sweating with diaphoretics are needed, (yarrow is one of the best). Tonic or alterative herbs (Brigham tea, burdock, ginseng) must be used to build up the body, with special attention to a proper, healthful diet. [SNH p.2]
Tansy: Take small and frequent dosages of tansy in the form of warm infusions. [SNH p.23]
See formula for ague using bayberry, pinus bark, ginger, cayenne and cloves.
Mullein: Peter Kalm said that the Swedish settlers called it [mullein] wild tobacco and tied the leaves around their feet and arms when they had the ague. [UW-Mullein]
Yarrow: It is made into a decoction, fluid extract, infusion, oil, powder or tincture for use against ague. [NL 1-3]
Southern Man: Massage the oil of Southern Man, Old Man or Lad's Love onto the backbone for fits of ague. (All are the same herb, only different names. Latin for this herb is Artemisia Abrotanum.) [SNH p.304]
Betony: Gerard said that Betony "preserveth the lives and bodies of men from the danger of epidemical diseases. It helpeth those that loathe and cannot digest their food. It is used either dry or green--either the root or the herb--or the flowers, drunk in broth or meat or made into conserve, syrup, water, electuary or powder... mixed with honey is no less available for all sorts of colds or cough, wheezing, shortness of breath and consumption...the decoction made with mead and pennyroyal is good for putrid agues. [UW Wood Betony]