"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"

  My quality of heath coming into this world was very poor. Born with asthma and allergic to just about everything on earth, I’ve had to work really hard at improving my health. Besides a healthy diet of whole grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds I have added garlic to my diet. Although diet has improved my health a great deal, I have found out that by adding garlic has helped to control the yeast build up I experience in my body from time to time. Besides taking fresh garlic everyday, I also keep in my refrigerator Dr. Christopher’s anti-plague formula. This formula has turned out to be one of my families “can’t live with out formulas”. We have used this formula for colds, flu and infections.  My 13 year old son who’s diet is that of the average teenager in spite of his mothers advice, will take this formula on his own when he feels a cold or some other ailment coming on. Within 2 days whatever was invading his body is gone.
  On the other hand my 5-year-old son’s diet is far better then that of his brothers. But there has been a time or two when he to has taken the anti-plague and has felt the benefits of the healing powers that are within the formula. I begin taking it myself when everyone else begins receiving flu shots and I haven’t been sick. In my eyes and the eyes of my family this is one of the most wonderful herbal formulas there is to help bring the body back to wellness during the times of elements.

  In addition to the anti-plague formula, my family has also used honey, garlic and cayenne for sore throats. This is a wonderful combination to help heal infection in the throat within 3-4 days.

  In conclusion my experience with garlic has been that of health improving and wellness. I’m not without garlic in my home I have seen the benefits garlic has to offer and I along with my family have experienced them. I would like to reecho the words of Hippocrates “Let your food be you medicine, and your medicine be your food” Garlic fits into this quote, it has been my choice of medicine for the past several years and will continue to be my choice of medicine for me and my family.
by Tammy D. Motteshard
[Table of Contents] [History] [Location] [Chemical Constituents] [Medicinal Qualities] [Contra-Indications]
[Known Herbal Formulas] [Dosages & Applications] [Personal Experiences]