"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"

Elder is used in a variety of different herbal formulas that are very effective for many forms of illnesses. Here are a few recipes that were used a long time ago and I'm sure some of them are still used today.

Infusion of Elder Flowers

2 ounces of dried Elder flowers
2 ounces of Peppermint
11/2 pints of distilled water

Let the Peppermint cold infuse all night in 1/2 of the distilled water. Boil the other 1/2 of the water and pour over the Elder flowers letting this steep for 15 to 20 minutes. When cool add the two liquids together. Strain and sweeten with honey. Drink all the liquid as hot as possible while closely wrapped up in bed. Wrap the feet in a cloth that has been dipped in vinegar and place a hot water bottle at the feet. In a few minutes a profuse sweat will begin, the pulse will slow and the person will sleep peacefully for hours.

A formula where there is pus either internally or externally

4 ounces of Elder flowers
4 ounces of cut Echinacea root
1 quart of distilled water

Low simmer the herbs in the quart of water for 5 minutes and let steep for another 30 minutes.  Keep covered, when cool strain and bottle, store in a cool, dark place. When this formula needs to be perserved for a longer length of time add 25% vegetable glycerine.

A formula to have on hand in case of flu

2 parts Boneset herb
1 part Elder flower
1 Part Peppermint leaves

For each ounce of the herbal combination use 1 pint distilled water. Let the Peppermint steep in part of the cold water overnight. Boil the rest of the water and pour over the Boneset and Elder flowers and steep for 15 to 20 minutes. When cool add the two liquids together. Drink a cup as hot as can be taken every two hours, and if the tea is found to be to bitter, especially for small    children, it can be sweetened with Licorice root.

Elder Syrup Salve

Crush then boil down one cup of berries. Strain and boil again until rich syrup is produced. Tallow is added to this until a pudding like consistency is reached. This syrup salve can be used on chafing skin and put on all burns, especially sun burns.


For this remedy add 1/2 cup of dried berries to 2 cups of water and low simmer for 10 minutes.  Drink 1/2 cup of the cold tea, twice a day, and this will alleviate the diarrhea.

Cold Flu Brew

2 1/4 teaspoons Elder blooms
2 1/4 teaspoons Yarrow flowers and leaves
1 3/4 teaspoons Peppermint
1/4 teaspoon Stevia (your choice)
2 1/4 teaspoon Echinacea leaf
3 cups of distilled water

Place all herbs except Peppermint in water, cover and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Take off heat then add Peppermint. Steep this for an additional 10 minutes. Strain off herb and throw away.  Drink up to 3 cups daily as needed, keep tea in refrigerator. This blend is comforting and healing during the misery of colds and flu. It helps remove toxins and heat from the body. It fights viral infection and acts as a decongestant.  "Hobbs"

Elder Berry Poultice

Use Elder leaves bruised of steamed just enough to wilt them and add a little bit of olive oil. This is a really good poultice for piles, hemorrhoids, and inflammation. For pain use as hot as can stand for an hour or more.

Skin Wash

Take one cup dried Elder leaves and low simmer in two cups of water for 10 minutes. This makes a good skin wash for any skin problem, bee stings, sunburn, acne, scrapes, etc. A paste can be made by mixing tallow with the tea to make a drawing salve for boils, splinters, and such.

All Purpose Oil

Use equal parts dried Calendula, Chamomile, and Elder flowers and 1/2 part Rose and/or Lavender. Mix and cover with olive oil. Let sit for three days then strain. Put the oil in minor skin irritations, burns, blemishes, and rub on chest and back for flu, colds, and lung congestion.

Sore Muscle Rub

To help sore aching muscles combine equal parts of Chamomile, Carnation, Elder flowers, Gardenia, Lavender, Mint, Mugwort, Mullein flower, Rose, Rosemary, and St. John's Wort.  Cover with olive oil and let sit in sunny place for three days and strain. Rub oil into sore muscles.

Elder Flower and Sage Gargle

1 tablespoon dried Elder leaves
1 tablespoon crushed Sage leaves
2 cups distilled water
1 teaspoon honey (optional)

Put the herbs in a warm teapot and pour the 2 cups of boiling distilled water over them. Cover and steep for 10 to 20 minutes. Strain the infusion into a sterile jar and cool to lukewarm. Pour about 4 ounces into a glass and use unsweetened as a gargle and mouthwash, if you want, it can be sweetened with honey. Do this every two hours until discomfort has passed. Store the left over liquid, if any, covered in the refrigerator no longer then six days. This gargle is used to ease soreness in the mouth and throat, it also relieves annoying tickles. Elder flowers are astringent and Sage (Salvia officials) and our native Big Sage (Artemisia tridentata) are aromatic and hav been used for a long time to treat sore throats, inflamed gums, and colds.

A salad of young Elder buds, macerated in a little hot water and dressed with oil, vinegar, and salt has been used as a remedy against skin eruptions.

Elder Vinegar

Elder Vinegar made from the flowers is an old remedy for sore throats.

Elder Gruel

Elder flowers were boiled in gruel as a fever- drink long ago.

For pulmonary system congestion especially if prone to consumption use Horehound, Ground Marshmallow and Elder flowers. This can be successfully combined with Coltsfoot.  Coltsfoot should make of 1/2 of the formula.

"  The Duke of Monmouth's Recipe "

This old recipe included Haws and Fennel root distilled in white wine and taken with syrup of Elder berry rob.

Syrup of Elder Berries

Pick the berries when all the way ripe, from the stalks, and stew them in a little water in a jar or pan. After straining allow 1/2 ounce of whole Ginger and 18 Cloves to each gallon. Boil the ingredients an hour, strain again, and bottle. The syrup is an excellent cure for a cold. To about a wine glassful of Elder berry syrup, add hot water and if like, sugar

Elder Berry Rob

"Five pounds of fresh, ripe, crushed berries. Crushed berries are simmered with one pound of loaf sugar and the juice evaporated down to the thickness of honey. It is a cordial aperient and diuretic. One or two tablespoons  mixed with a tumbler full of hot water, taken at night,  promotes perspiration and is demulcent to the chest. The rob when made can be bottled and stored for the winter."


"Add 2 1/2 drachms of dried Elder flower to 1 quart of boiling water. Infuse for an hour then strain. This liquid can be applied as a lotion with a linen rag for tumors, boils, and afflictions of the skin and it is said to be effective on the temples against headaches and also to ward off attacks of flies."

The last three remedies in this paper are really old so I wrote them in their original wording. The next encapsulated, powdered formula is modern day, I looked at it in the herb store in town.

Elder Berries and Flowers

Elder berries and flowers, gelatine, silica. Take two capsules twice a day preferably with food. This product was made by "Natures Way".

Elder berries and flowers have been used by themselves or in combination with other herbs since recorded history. They work and people have always known it. This last recipe is the one I use. My friend and mentor told me about it and it works really well.

Elder Berry Syrup

6 cups of Elder Berries
1/2 cup of raw honey
1/2 teaspoon powdered Ginger or 1 teaspoon of fresh grated Ginger
1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 tablespoon lime Juice
2 cups of vodka

Barely cover the berries with distilled water and low simmer for 10 minutes. Pour them in the blender and blend for a few minutes, then strain through a cheese cloth to remove the seeds and skins. Low simmer the 6 cups of juice (adding distilled water if short the full 6 cups), the honey, Ginger, and Cinnamon for 35 minutes. Cool until warm and add lime juice and vodka. The vodka preserves it longer. Bottle and keep the syrup in the refrigerator.
[Table of Contents] [History] [Location] [Chemical Constituents] [Medicinal Qualities] [Contra-Indications]
[Known Herbal Formulas] [Dosages & Applications] [Personal Experiences] [Bibliography]
by Carol Bond