"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"

by Margaret L. Ahlborn
This site brought to you by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
The German Commission E recommends the following:
1. 1/4 to ½ tsp (1-3 grams) of the leaf daily as a tea and taking 3 cups a day.
2. The fresh leaves can be used directly on minor injuries, dermatitis and insect stings three or 4 times a day.
3. Syrups or tinctures 3 times a day, about ½ tsp (2-3 ml) each time.
4. ½ to 1 1/4 tsp. (2-6 grams) of fresh plant juice taken in three evenly spaced oral doses.
Dr. John R. Christopher recommends the following doses: Fluid extract of ½ to 1 teaspoon; Infusion of 2 fluid ounces 3 to 4 times daily; powder 1-3 grams; tincture ½ to 1 fluid teaspoon.
1. For anal dosing use a strong tea ( 1 oz. powdered plantain steeped in one pint of boiled water for 20-30 minutes then cooled). Inject 1 TBSP, three to four times daily. If necessary it can be done more often. Especially inject after each bowel movement. Use for diarrhea, hemorrhoids and piles. Dr. Christopher’s piles ointment can be used as needed.
2. For oral dosing the tea can be taken 4 to 5 times a day until relief. Use the tea for blood poisoning, diarrhea, kidney and bladder problems, lumbago, scanty urine and bed-wetting.  For dropsy, drink the tea made from the seeds. For scrofula and syphilis use as a tea and as an external application. With thrush or frog make a decoction by simmering one ounce of seeds in 3 cups of water and letting it reduce to 2 cups; sweeten with honey and give one tablespoonful three or four times daily.
3. External dosing
    a. Poultices of fresh, bruised or mashed leaves are applied to the damaged area for the bleeding of minor wounds such as cuts, scratches and bruises. You can also drink the tea.
    b. For stings and bites of poisonous insects, plants, animals and for boils, carbuncles and tumors: bruise the fresh leaves and apply to needed area; cover them and keep moist by adding the juice of the plantain leaves; change the poultice before it dries out.
    c. For malignant or bleeding ulcers apply the infusion with glycerine. Use 100% cotton well soaked with the infusion. Cover it and change as needed.
    d. For toothache just apply the fine powder to the roots of the aching tooth.
    e. For burns, scalds and erysipelas use the strong tea formula (found under anal doses) and wash frequently. Drink the infusion.
    f. For inflamed eyes make the tea in distilled water and be sure to strain it well. Use as an eye wash.
    g. For itching, ringworm, running sores or old wounds make the strong tea using equal parts of plantain with yellow dock (Rumex crispus). Bathe the affected area often with the tea.
    h. For blood-poisoning: make a fomentation or poultice for the affected area and increase the normal internal dosage.
4. Vaginally for leucorrhea or menorrhagia use a strong tea as an injection or douche. Drink the tea internally as well.
Alma Hutchens Snake Bite Dosage
Take 1 TBSP of plantain leaf juice every hour. Also apply the bruised leaves to the wound.
[Table of Contents] [History] [Location] [Chemical Constituents] [Medicinal Qualities]
[Contra-Indications] [Known Herbal Formulas] [Dosages & Applications] [Personal Experience] [Bibliography]